July 2015
QMF Construction was awarded the concrete works contract by Haslin Constructions for the upgrade of the Yamba Sewerage Treatment Plant. The plant is located in the township of Yamba on the NSW mid north coast.
Scope of works on this project included but was not limited to:
Upgrade of Existing Balance Tank
Inlet Works
Flow Divider
New Idea Tanks and equalisation tank
Pump station
Sludge lagoons
Ebb tide release pump station
Chemical storage and dosing systems
Converting the obsolete existing idea tank to a wet weather storage tank
The design and supply of an engineered formwork system for all concrete structures
Other aspects of the project included, working with engineered and traditional formwork systems, working at heights, pouring concrete to slope of lagoons using roller screeds.
Works completed in July 2015
Project contact:
Greg Dowling – Haslin Constructions